Download/Add Subtitles
1.1 Subtitles
1.2 Subtitle Edit
1.3 Subtitle Maker
1.4 Download Subtitles
1.5 Subtitle Converter
1.6 Subtitle Translator
1.7 English Subtitles
1.8 Add Subtitles to MP4
1.9 Download Farsi Subtitle
1.10 Download Myanmar Subtitles
1.11 Download Movie Subtitles
1.12 Game of Thrones Subtitles
1.13 Ip Man 3 Full Movie Subtitles
1.13 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Subtitle

5 Best Subtitle Converters to Convert Subtitle Files With Ease

Subtitle is one important part of a video, especially for the movies in foreign language. It can help you better understand the video. If you ever faced the situation when the subtitles are not working on your favorite TV shows or movies? What's more, even when you finally get the subtitle, you are more likely to find out that the subtitle isn't in right format.

Subtitle Converter

What should you do to convert subtitles? How to add subtitle to your MP4 video? In this post, we will list 5 great Subtitle Converters to help you change the subtitle formats. Just keep reading to find the best answer.

Part 1: Top 3 Online Subtitle Converters

Subtitle is regularly a small file. So when you want to convert subtitle formats, you don't need to install some subtitle converters on your computer. At this time, an online subtitle converter can be your best choice.

1. Subtitle Converter

Step 1 Navigate to online subtitle converter site on your browser.

Subtitle Converter

Step 2 Click "Select your subtitle file" to import your subtitle file.

Step 3 Mark the suitable output subtitle format. This online subtitle converter provides 5 formats for you to choose from, SRT, STL, ASS, SCC and TTML.

Step 4 Click "Upload" button to load subtitle to this subtitle converter.

Step 5 Choose the output format again and then click "Convert" button to change subtitle format. The subtitle will be automatically saved on your computer.

Convert Subtitle

Don't Miss: How to edit subtitle

Video Converter Ultimate For Mac

2. Free Subtitle Converter

Step 1 Open this online subtitle converter on your browser.

Free Subtitle Converter

Step 2 Drag your subtitle to its interface to add subtitle file.

Step 3 Select the suitable format from the drop-down list of "output format".

Import Subtitle

Step 4 Click "Download" button to download the converted subtitle to your computer.

3. Caption Converter

Step 1 Go to REV Caption Converter site.

REV Caption Converter

Step 2 Click "Select .srt files" button to import your subtitle.

Step 3 Click "Upload" button to add the subtitle to this online subtitle converter.

Upload Subtitle

Step 4 Select output subtitle format. It provides many output formats like SCC, MCC, TXT, CAP, SRT, etc. for you to choose from.

Convert Subtitle File

Step 5 Enter your email address and then click "Convert" button to convert your subtitle.

After a while, you will receive a email which carries the converted subtitle. Then you can download it to your computer.

Part 2: Top 2 Subtitle Converter Programs

If you often have the need to convert subtitles, you can also install some powerful subtitle converter programs on your computer.

1. SubC - Subtitle Converter


SubC is the very easy-to-use subtitle converting software. It highly supports MicroDVD, SubRip, SubStation Alpha and SubViewer 2.0 files. It is equipped with many useful editing features to help you edit subtitle files. You can handily adjust the timing of the files to get rid of the tedious delays. Moreover, this fantastic subtitle converter enables you to have a free trail without any installation.

2. Subtitle Converter (for Mac)

Subtitle Converter Mac

If you are using a Mac, this Subtitle Converter can be your best option to change subtitle formats. It is compatible with any popular subtitle format. Subtitle Converter offers you the automatic detection of the encoding feature to help you better manage your subtitle files. With the concise interface, you can convert subtitles with ease.

In this post, we mainly talk about 5 great subtitle converters. If you want to change your subtitle formats, whether you prefer to choose online subtitle converters or caption converter programs, you can easily find what you need in this article.

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May 28, 2018 14:16 / Updated by to Convert Video

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