1.1 PowerPoint
1.2 PowerPoint App
1.3 PowerPoint Alternatives
1.4 PowerPoint Viewer
1.5 PowerPoint Presentation
1.6 PowerPoint Templates
1.7 PowerPoint Animation
1.8 PowerPoint Trigger
1.9 PowerPoint Presentation Tips

All the suggestions and solutions will share you here about PowerPoint templates download, PowerPoint presentations, PowerPoint viewer, PowerPoint converter and more

Where to get free PowerPoint templates download? How to embed a video/music in PowerPoint? What is the best PowerPoint viewer? How to convert PDF to PowerPoint? Here you can find solution by yourself.


What is PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program currently developed by Microsoft, for use on both Microsoft and Apple Macintosh operating systems. PowerPoint is useful for helping develop the slide-based presentation format and is currently one of the most commonly used slide-based presentation programs available. Microsoft has also released the PowerPoint mobile application for use on Apple and Android mobile operating systems.
.ppt, .pptx, .pps and .ppsx are PowerPoint's file name extensions. What is the difference is that .ppt and .pptx are the slide presentations while .pps and .ppsx is the slide show format. Another difference is that .ppt and .pps are compatible with PowerPoint 97-2003, and .pptx and .ppsx are compatible with 2007, 2010 and 2013. If you want to read the .pptx or ppsx file on PowerPoint 97-2003, you have to download the 2007 compatibility pack. On the contrary, you can view the .ppt or .pps file on PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013. Surely, you can open PowerPoint online for avoiding such trouble.

How to use PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is very useful in slide show presentations, so how to make a PowerPoint for presentations?
If you only want to make a simple PowerPoint presentation, check here

• How to Make a PowerPoint?

Want to add more backgrounds to your PowerPoint? Check here

How to convert PowerPoint?

When you want to use PowerPoint on other apps like your DVD player, video player, PDF viewer, etc. you can get the following solutions to make PowerPoint conversion.

What is the PowerPoint app?

From the above descriptions, you may have known that how to make PowerPoint presentations, add PowerPoint backgrounds and convert PowerPoint. However, if you suffer more from PowerPoint, you can turn to the following PowerPoint apps for help.

PowerPoint viewer

Get the best PowerPoint viewer to read PPT files 95-2016 for Mac/online and for mobile.

PowerPoint app for iPad

One way to retrieve iPhone contacts is from iTunes backups. If you want to retrieve iPhone contacts using iTunes, not only contacts, but also photos, videos, etc are restored, too.

Mac PDF to PowerPoint converter

Take the professional but easy-to-use PDF to PowerPoint converter on your macOS High Sierra.

PDF to PowerPoint Converter

You are able to convert PDF to PowerPoint files for easy presentations on your Windows 10/8/7.

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May 17, 2018 18:45 / Updated by to PowerPoint

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